Shipping costs and prices:
The delivery of all orders from the online store over BGN 500 is free* to the entire city;
The price for the delivery of all orders under 500 BGN is calculated by the Cyprus company;
Missing orders will result in our representative contacting the client by phone to confirm the order;
*Delivery of climate systems outside the city. Lviv will pay an additional transport fee of BGN 0.90 per kilometer, which will be charged to the customer (the fee applies only to the air conditioner). attics ordered for assembly);
We offer immediate delivery and installation of air conditioners that answer the phone first.
Terms and conditions:
The gap is valid on the condition that the assembly is performed by the designated assembly base, which accepts the gap for support;
The installation is performed by authorized persons at the customer's home/office/property or at the visa;
Warranty support is free in the event of a manufacturing defect;
The free gap visa is canceled in the following cases:
Deleted, incomplete or inaccurate data;
Unexpected gaps from the gap cap;
The instructions for expansion and exploitation, beginning in the instructions for use, have not been observed, or the product has not been used as intended;
Official attempt to repair the defect of the unregistered visa;
Ππεπενήσεις, Περιπάνες, περάπνας, and the creation of unnecessary relation and tpancpopt;
Damage caused by natural disasters, storms, floods, lightning, power surges, and other overvoltages other than that of the vehicle;
The power of the yped does not meet the needs of the room (with the specified pressures in the assembly and the determination of the necessary power, the base night and material of the response after the defect is detected during the gap period);
At the client's request, an air conditioner with a power smaller than the required one is installed;
The remote control, the plastic parts of the front panel, ventilation shafts, etc. are not subject to maintenance.
The visit of the specialist at the request of the client and the note of the gaping defect or unsecured items according to item 6 and item 7 are paid by the customer according to the customs tariff.
The gap payment does not cover the transit charges, which are paid by the client, separately, according to the visa tariff;
The incomplete operation of the air conditioning system in the "Heating" mode at low temperatures and high humidity is subject to maintenance;
The warranty period for the product begins to run from the date of installation, but no later than 2 months from the date of its delivery;
After carrying out the technical prophylaxis, require the technical persons to fill in the corresponding coupon;
The services of MOHTAGE and DEMOHTAGE of the climate system are paid by the client and are not subject to return upon complaint (return of the climate system);
The complaint shall appear in person or in writing;
With regard to the trade margin, the supplier is responsible for the customer's response slip because of the contract for the supply of the margin under Art. 112 – 115 of the Civil Code;
Capital coverage of the trade gap - The Bulgarian People's Republic.
Delivery and product review:
Upon receiving the product, the buyer is obliged to inspect it immediately, and in the event that obvious defects are found, the adhesive of any of the following shall be removed and and/or of the documents required by Bulgarian law, immediately inform the person issuing the document . If it does not do this, which is considered acceptable, the applicant loses the right to claim that it has been delivered with obvious defects, the glue on the lid of the lid Users agree to it and/or to the extent required by Bulgarian law. documents. Complaints made through the online store in accordance with the provisions of the Civil Code and Civil Code (only for consumers) and/or the contents and contents of their products appancy.